Consortio Dei Podcast

A Podcast about Partnering with God to do Sacred Work

A Podcast about Partnering with God to do Sacred Work

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5: Owen Brock

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and trained through Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction in Cincinnati, Ohio, Owen has been offering direction since 2008. He is also an instructor for the school, training others for the important work of caring for souls.

Owen became acquainted with spiritual direction many years ago out of a deep need to make sense of his own spiritual life. After years of attending to his inner life he began to notice that his spiritual life would go in cycles with a diminishing experience of intimacy with God. Even while continuing with familiar rhythms and practices, this pattern repeated itself for a number of years until eventually there was no sense of God at all. Nothing. Owen eventually found himself sitting across from a spiritual director. He told him about his “faith crisis”. The director asked Owen to describe his spiritual life and practices, and after listening, suggested that rather than looking at the current spiritual experience as a problem that needed to be solved, what if it was an invitation? That was when Owen first noticed the tears streaming down his face. The spiritual director encouraged Owen that he was seeking authenticity and integrity—searching for the truth.

For over a decade now, Owen has been offering for others what that kind soul offered him that day.

Owen is a grateful husband, father and grandfather. Together with his wife Sandie, they have been a part of the urban, community-oriented Vineyard Central church in Cincinnati for over twenty-five years, and for over forty-five years they have been part of transformative community-oriented expressions of God’s kingdom, both domestically and internationally.

Owen and Sandie love a great adventure, spending summers based out of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, hiking and kayaking, or traveling and serving internationally in such places as Africa, Nepal, Ireland and Haiti.

The Consortio Dei podcast is hosted by John Chandler as a companion to my spiritual direction practice. I offer individual direction as well as spiritual formation cohorts. Please get in touch if you are considering spiritual direction or would like to learn more about other growth opportunities.

Consortio Dei partners with individuals and teams who do sacred work to cultivate spiritual practices, soul care, and relational support.

Spiritual Direction

I walk alongside pastors and other spiritual leaders who are interested in developing a deeper connection and friendship with God.

Spiritual Formation Cohorts

Short-term, live online cohorts to learn practices that will help you grow in connection with God and others.